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Visitors (workstations) from those visits

Web tracking technology can identify the individual computers that access a website, but if different people use the same computer, there is no way to distinguish one from the other, unless they log in. All visitors who access a site from the same computer are tracked as a single visitor. In most cases each computer has only one user, but in certain circumstances, like when people use a library computer, several individual people could show up on your report as a single visitor. This report tracks the individual computers that visit your site and provides all the statistics regarding the visits.

To access this report login and click ADMIN HOME. From the menu click on REPORTS and then VISITORS REPORT. For more details about a specific visitor, click on the VISITOR #.

Survey List Report

A list of all surveys completed during visits that meet the specified Report Criteria with links to the details for the surveys. To access this report, login and go to ADMIN HOME. Click on REPORTS and then SURVEYS REPORT.

In this report you’ll see a list of all surveys completed during the timeframe you specified for this report.

You will see a summary of all respondents and can click on specific fields within the summary for more detailed information or review of individual survey responses. Information provided includes:

  • How many people responded
  • A list of all respondents
  • A tally of all responses, both in numbers and percentages

Group Member Report

This report lists all people in a group, with important statistics about the person. To access this report, login and click on ADMIN HOME. From the menu click on REPORTS and then GROUP LIST REPORT. You will see a list of all groups in your database and the number of members for each group. Click on the number shown to see a list of all group members. For details on a specific member, you can click on an individual listing to open up a record for that person.

New Visitors From Those Visits

This column displays the statistics about all visitors who came to your site for the first time during your pre-defined timeframe parameter.

Site Path Report

A count of all page hits sorted by site path that meet the specified Report Criteria. To access this report login and go to ADMIN HOME. Click on REPORTS and then SITE PATH REPORT.

IP Address Report

To access this report, login and go to ADMIN HOME. Click on REPORTS and then IP ADDRESS REPORT.

After setting your conditions, proceed by clicking on IP Address Report. In this report you’ll see a simple chart sorting the IP Addresses of each of your visitors during your pre-defined timeframe parameters. It shows how many visits each separate IP Address made and how many pages were viewed. You can use the Blocked column to include or exclude specific IP Addresses. This is particularly useful in the instance where you don’t want visits from your own employees to skew your statistics. In this case you would block the IP Addresses of all employees.

If you want to use this report to see if there are particular IP Addresses that are visiting your site often. If so, you can do a reverse look-up in the "Who Is" section of the Network Solutions website, to identify the name of the organization that owns that IP Address.

Spider Page List Report

This report provides a list of all pages found by the Contensive Content Spider. To access this report login and go to ADMIN HOME. Click on REPORTS and then SPIDER DOC REPORT.

Site Section Report

After setting your conditions, proceed by clicking on Site Section Report. In this report you’ll see a simple chart that very quickly gives you a top-level look at where your visitors are going and where they spend their time. The sections listed in this report are pre-designated, based on guidelines you provided at the time we customized your Contensive solution for you during Implementation. In the Site Section Report, sections are ranked from the most visited to the least visited for the timeframe specified.

Spider Errors Report

A list of all errors found by the Contensive Content Spider. To access this report login and go to ADMIN HOME. Click on REPORTS and SPIDER ERRORS.

Weekly Visit Report

To access this report, login and go to ADMIN. Click on REPORTS and WEEKLY VISITS REPORT. After setting your conditions, proceed by clicking the CREATE REPORT. You will arrive at a page that will display your requested information in a variety of ways, for a specific week that you pre-designate in your report criteria. This report is nearly identical to the Daily Visit Report. At the top of the report are several columns including the following information:

Week Starting

Reflects the timeframe parameters you chose for this report, starting with a date you designate and including all information for the seven-day period beginning on that day.

Visits Starting on This Day

Shows total number of visits to your site during your selected timeframe.

You will see that the numbers in this column are underlined, indicating that they are links to more detailed information. If you click on a number you will see specific information about the visits that day (sample below).

Start Visit No. Visitor No. New Visitor Identity Pages Duration
4/3/02 1:27:39 PM 656 173 YES Joshua 20 10.75 min [more]
4/3/02 1:39:11 PM 657 174 YES Bob Smith 36 23.13 min [more]

You can click on the number in the Pages column to see every page this visitor has been on.

Click on the [more] link to view even more detailed information regarding this visitor.

Members (people) from those visits

This column distinguishes members from other visitors to your site. Members are identified because they log in and provide passwords, which the Contensive technology can track. Click on any of the underlined numbers in this column to see detailed information about the members’ visits during the week you have selected for this report.

Visitors (workstations) from those visits

Web tracking technology can identify the individual computers that access a website, but if different people use the same computer, there is no way to one from the other, unless they log in. All visitors who access a site from the same computer are tracked as a single visitor. This report tracks the individual computers that visit your site and provides all the statistics regarding the visits.

New Visitors From Those Visits

This column displays the statistics about all visitors who came to your site for the first time during your pre-defined weekly timeframe.

Pages Viewed During Those Visits

This column displays all pages viewed within your pre-defined timeframe, on a day-by-day basis. When you click on the underlined numbers within the column, you will see the URL for each page viewed, and the exact time the page was accessed.

Activity By Day

Below the columns we described above, you will see that the Weekly Visits Report includes a graph, which is entitled Activity By Day.

At the top of this section is a drop-down menu that will display a selection of types of charts, including bar graphs, line graphs, pie graphs, etc. The Contensive program will automatically generate whichever type of chart you select, using the data pertinent to your pre-assigned parameters.

The charts are color-coded to represent:

  • Visits
  • Members
  • Visitors
  • New Visitors
  • Pages

NOTE: The ABOUT button will take you to a website for the company that provided the java applet that is being used here.

Browser Report

To access this report login and go to ADMIN. Click on REPORTS and then BROWSER REPORT.

After setting your conditions, proceed by clicking on APPLY. In this report you’ll see a simple chart providing browser information for each of the visits your site received during your pre-defined timeframe parameters. It shows how many visits were generated by each type of browser, and how many pages were viewed. The Blocked column indicates which types of browsers have been blocked, so that information from visits by those browsers does not enter into your other reports.

It is useful to block certain types of browsers if they might skew the information in your reports. A perfect example is in the case of search engine browsers, which send "spiders" out to surf the Web. The spiders are working to generate information for their search engines, and so they do not reflect the usage patterns of one of your relevant website visitors. Therefore you do not want the statistics of spider visits to be reflected in your reports, because it would skew your data and analysis. Spider browsers are usually identified with the suffix ".bot" and you may choose to block these from your reports.

To block any browser simply click on the YES within the Blocked column and this browser will be excluded from the reports when "exclude blocked browsers" is checked in the criteria. To include a browser (or "unblock" it), simply click on the NO in the same column.

Members (people) from those visits

Members (people) from those visits

This column distinguishes members from other visitors to your site. Members are identified because they log in and provide passwords, which the Contensive technology can track. Click on any of the underlined numbers in this column to see detailed information about the members’ visits.

Search Keyword Report

Access this report by logging on and going to ADMIN. Click on REPORTS and then SEARCH KEYWORD REPORT.

After setting your conditions, proceed by clicking on REFRESH. In this report you’ll see a simple chart listing all keyword searches during the timeframe you specified for this report. This includes keyword searches done on your site, or on a referring site.

Member Details Report

A detailed list of all properties of the specified member record (identity). To run this report for a specific user, you need the record ID in the People Record. This detail report includes the user's user name and password.

Visit List Report and Visit Detail Report

The information displayed in this report is identical to that in the Daily or Weekly Visit Reports. The only difference is the designated timeframe, which you will determine prior to running the report. The report does not have to be in time increments of one day or week - you can designate any start and stop date you desire. The data generated looks like the chart below. For a detailed description of this data, please see the section above entitled Daily Visit Report.

Start Visit No. Visitor No. New Visitor Identity Pages Duration
4/3/02 1:27:39 PM 656 173 YES Joshua 20 10.75 min [more]
4/3/02 1:39:11 PM 657 174 YES Bob Smith 36 23.13 min [more]

Click on any of the links within this report for more details, such as a list of each individual page that was viewed.

Pages Viewed During Those Visits

This column displays all pages viewed within your pre-defined timeframe, on a day-by-day basis. When you click on the underlined numbers within the column, you will see the URL for each page viewed, and the exact time the page was accessed.

Referring Sites Report

To access this report login and go to ADMIN. Click on REPORTS and then REFERRING SITE REPORT.

After setting your conditions, proceed by clicking on REFRESH. In this report you’ll see a simple chart identifying the number of times that someone traveled to your website by clicking on a link in someone else’s website. This is useful to help you identify ways in which people are finding out about your organization and your site. For example, it will help you analyze which search engines or partnerships are most effective at leading people to your site.

Viewing and Generating Reports

After logging in as an Administrator, go to ADMIN. The Contensive Administration Site page will appear and you will click on REPORTS from the menu to view a list of all Reports that are available to you. Click on any of these reports for access to them.

Data and Parameters

The reporting tool monitors site traffic, collects all available information and then stores it for you to retrieve in your reports. This information includes items such as:

Information about your web visitors:

  • IP Address
  • Browser type
  • How many pages they visited
  • How long they visited

Number of site visits over specific time periods:

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Yearly

Repeat visits:

  • How many times the same individual visited the site
  • What pages they visited

New visitors:

  • How many times they visited the site
  • What pages they visited
  • IP Address
  • Browser type
  • How many pages they visited
  • How long they visited

You can use several options when you view your data:

  • You can set the time frame for which you want the report
  • You can set the visit and/or visitor
  • You can set the IP address
  • You can choose to exclude new visitors from your site reports. This would allow you to analyze repeat traffic
  • You can choose to exclude repeat visitors to analyze first time visitors only
  • You can choose to exclude blocked IP addresses (we’ll show you later how to block IP addresses)
  • You can choose to exclude blocked browsers (we’ll show you later how to block browsers)

Daily Visits Report

Below the columns we described above, you will see that the Daily Visit Report includes a graph, which is entitled Activity By Day.

At the top of this section is a drop-down menu that will display a selection of types of charts, including bar graphs, line graphs, pie graphs, etc. The Contensive program will automatically generate whichever type of chart you select, using the data pertinent to your pre-assigned parameters.

The charts are color-coded to represent:

  • Visits
  • Members
  • Visitors
  • New Visitors
  • Pages

NOTE: The ABOUT button will take you to a website for the company that provided the java applet that is being used here.

Email Drop Report

This report lists all Email drops with links to the details of each drop. To access this report login and go to ADMIN. Click on MANAGE EMAIL and then EMAIL DROP REPORT. If you want details on who received the email, who opened the email or who clicked on a link in the email, click on the number of people displayed in each column for a list.

Page Performance Report

This report lists all unique URLs with their average performance in milliseconds. Pageperformace is the time measured from when the Contensive Init() is started, to when the Contensive ClosePage() is completed. To access this report login and go to ADMIN. Click on REPORTS and PAGE PERFORMANCE REPORT.

Page List Report

A list of all page hits that meet the specified Report Criteria. Note the ReadTime is the time between the current page fetch and the next fetch. This fields is not available if the report includes more then one visit, and on the last page of the visit.

Content Properties Report

A tree navigation of the current content definition structure.

Visit Tracking and Visit Analytics

Contensive tracks page hits in two different ways, Visit Tracking and Analytics. Visit tracking a list of all page hits to the site. Visit Analytics is a summarized accounting of only the most important page hits.

Visit Tracking

Visit tracking include all hits from visitors, as well as Bots (Internet search engine programs), monitors, and content administrators and developers. Optionally, you can setup Contensive to remove Bot visit records as well (after about two hours). Tracking gives you an up-to-the-second view of who is visiting the site and exactly what they are doing, down to the buttons they are hitting.

Visit Analytics

Visit Analytics information is calculated from the Visit Tracking logs and provides a snapshot of the most important numbers you need to track, like visits per hour, visits per day, etc. Visit Analytics excludes Bots, content administrators and developers, and ajax features.

Page Traffic Report

This report counts hits to each content page that meet the report criteria. The URL is provided as a sample, but may not be the exact URL used for all hits to that page. To access this report login and go to ADMIN HOME. Click on REPORTS and then PAGE TRAFFIC REPORT.

Trap Report

This report lists all internal Contensive Traps currently stored. To access this report login and go to ADMIN HOME. Click on REPORTS and then TRAP REPORT.

Download Manager

Certain reports that take a lot of processing time are created as a back-office process instead of returning in real time. These reports, once generated, can be located and accessed via the download manager, which is found under the ADMIN section of your site. Click on TOOLS and then DOWNLOAD MANAGER.

Visitor List Report and Visitor Details Report

After setting your conditions, proceed by clicking the Visitor List Report. You will arrive at a page that will display 4 columns with information including:

Visitor #

Displays the visitor number, which is assigned to each individual visitor the first time they access your website. If a visitor has never been to your site before, his first visit is recorded as a new visit and he is thereby assigned a new Visitor Number. If a visitor returns to the site after previous visits, they will be recognized as the same visitor and the Contensive software will track their activity and record it for you.

First Visit

Displays the date and time that this visitor was on your site.


Displays how many times this visitor has been to your site.

Last Identity

Displays the name of the visitor (if logged in). If a visitor is someone who is not logged in, the Identity will read out as "Guest". In the case of multiple users on a single computer, this record will show the name of the person who logged in most recently.

Click on any of the links within this report for more details, such as a list of each individual page that was viewed.

Different Types of Page Hits


Users are visitors to your website that are anonymous, but you believe they are actually people using their browsers.

Recognized Users

Are Users that have been to the site before, have returned, and the website recognizes them. You can not be sure if they are really who you recognize, but this is good enough for tracking.

Authenticated Users

Are Users that are logged in. There are several ways to login including the username/password form. These users have a higher level of security. You can be sure they are who they say they are.

Content Managers

Are Authenticated Users who are in content manager groups, and can edit content on the site.

Content Administrators and Developers

Are Authenticated Users who have full access to manage all content the site.


Are automatic programs that fetch pages from websites. This information is often used to populate search engines, like Google and Yahoo.

Content Methods

Contensive has content methods that deliver special content from certain keywords. For instance, any url with the querystring method=status will deliver a website status that can be used for website monitoring.

Remote Methods

Are add-ons that deliver content from add-ons installed in the site. For example, if you install the Search Engine Sitemap, you can access it's remote method with

Ajax Functions

These are functions embedded in pages that access the site independent of the user. For instance, when you open a node on the Navigator Menu, a function calls back to the server to get new data to display.

Download Report

A list of all Resource Library downloads, with counts for each. To access this report, login and go to ADMIN. Click on REPORTS and DOWNLOAD LOG REPORT.