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The website can be reached at http://mindability.com/

Promo Codes

Promo codes are used to allow people to set up a user account and gain access to a specific site because they are part of an organization that has purchased access to the site.

To set up a new promo code, login and click on ADMIN, MANAGE ADD-ONS, MINDABILITY, MINDABILITY PROMOTIONS. Open one of the current promotion codes and click CREATE DUPLICATE. Enter the new promo code in the NAME field and click OK to save changes.

This will add a new user to the group for the site where they entered the promo code.

The groups associated with each overview page are:

  • For RoadMap: /2015-Roadmap-Overview the group is RoadMap
  • For Resiliency4Life: /2015-Resiliency-Overview the group is Resiliency4Life
  • For Firestrong: /2015-Firestrong-Overview the group is Firestrong2015
  • For Healthy-Mindsets.com protected pages: The group is Healthy Mindsets
  • For Bulletproof: /BulletProof-Overview the group is Bulletproof

Users are also added to a group called "Users who entered promo code: Promo Code Goes Here"

You can use this group to track how many users from each organization are using the site.

Changing Copyrights on the Templates

  • Go to mindability.com
  • Login and click on ADVANCED EDIT and APPLY at the bottom of the page.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the PENCIL next to the copyright in the green box.
  • In the HTML CONTENT field you will see the following:"Copyright © 2008-2017 Ultra Learning Systems LLC and the Mindability Group. All Rights Reserved. <a href="#">Terms Of Use</a>."
  • Go to the year you want to change, make the change and click OK to save changes.
  • This change will be replicated on all templates with the copyright add-on.