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Documention for Vivos

Website can be found at and Staging servers are: and



Employees of Vivos with access to the admninistrative back end of the website.
These are the clients of Vivos whose patients utilize the Vivos diagnostics website.
Vivos Diagnostician
These are the users at Vivos who examine patient information after the technician has added their information to the file.
Vivos Technician
These are the users at Vivos who examine patient files newly submitted by the doctor.

How To For Vivos Diagnostics

Create a New Account

  1. Click on CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT link.
  2. Fill in required information and click SUBMIT.
  3. The email named "Vivos Sign Up Notification Email" will be sent to the person specified in the SEND CONFIRMATION TO field.
  4. To grant this new user access to the website, follow the steps in "Set Up User Roles" and "Grant Access to User Portal for Doctors" below.

Set up User Roles

  1. Login and click ADMIN, MANAGE USERS, PEOPLE.
  2. Search for a specific user and open that record.
  3. Scroll down to the ROLE field and select the correct role. Click OK to save.


  1. To add new user roles to the table go to ADMIN, MANAGE ADD-ONS, VIVOS APP, tbl_user_roles.
  2. Click ADD and type in the new role name. Click OK to save changes.

Grant Access to User Portal for Doctors

  1. After setting up the user role for the doctor, go to the GROUPS tab in the people record.
  2. Check the box next to the group "Granted Vivos Diagnostic Access" or "International Granted Vivos Diagnostic Access". Click OK to save.

How To For Vivos Orders

Create a New Account

  1. Click on REQUEST ACCOUNT button.
  2. Fill in required information and click SUBMIT.
  3. The email named "Request Catalogue access notification email" will be sent to the person specified in the SEND CONFIRMATION TO field.
  4. To grant this new user access to the website, follow the steps in "Set Up User Roles" and "Grant Access to Vivos Catalog" below.