User Dedup

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A tool that lets you dedup users manually, or select a pattern and dedup automatically.


Selectively remove duplicate users (people)
Primary Search Field 
When manually deduping, this is the field that the system will search for duplicates. If two records have the same value in this field, they are considered duplicates.
Merge Target 
When there are multiple records with the same Primary Search Field (like email), all but one are considered duplicates. The one that is not the duplicate is the Merge Target.


You must be an administrator to use this tool.

How To


Use this tool to search for user duplicates, isolate the record which best describes the user, and merge the duplicates into the target record. The merge target is highlighted in red. This is the user record that will be preserved. All others will be removed, and all references to these records will be transferred to the target. The selection of the merge target is based on: 1) a record with a username and password, then 2) a record marked as administrator, then 3) the record with the most recent visit, and finally, 4) the oldest record. To search for a user, select the field you want to search on, and the value you will search for. All results matching this selection will be displayed.

How to manually dedup user records

  1. Open Tools > User Dedup Individuals
  2. Enter the dedup field, typically email.
  3. Click Search for duplicates. You will be taken to a list of records that all have duplicates
  4. Click on any of the records to select which you want to keep. The record marked in Red is the one the system would have selected.
  5. Click [dedup the user] when you are ready to merge the records

How to automatically dedup user records

Use this tool to automatically remote user duplicates based on email or username, and merge the duplicates into the target record. Please use the User Dedup Individuals tool to test the process used to detemine which record to keep when duplicates are found. Only continue if you understand that this tool DELETES PEOPLE records from your site.

  1. Open Tools > user Dedup All
  2. When you hit OK, records will be deleted. The record that will remain is chosen based on the following criteria:
    1. A record with a username and password will be kept over one without these.
    2. If both records have a username and password, a record marked as administrator will be kept over one that is not.
    3. If the admin rights are the same for both records, the record with the most recent visit will be kept.
    4. Finally, if neither record has a visit, the system will keep the oldest record.


use Cases

Change History


  • Added to Wiki.