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The newsletter add-on consists of newsletter stories and issues. You can create as many issues as you want, but only the most current issue shows up in the add-on. Past issues are automatically archived, and future issues wait in the queue until their publication date comes around to be displayed.


Publish Date 
Every issue has a publish date. You can include a time of time with the publish date (like 5/6/2020 8am), or just a date (like 5/6/2020). If you include just a date, the time is considered to be midnight at the start of that date. At the time of the publish date, the issue will become available. Before the publish date, the issue will be considered a future issue and will only be available through the editing tools.


How To

How to Install the Newsletter Add-On

Click here for information on Installing Add-Ons. (The Newsletter Add-On is named NEWSLETTER2.)

How to Add the Newsletter to a web page

When you are on the web page where you would like the newsletter to appear and are logged on as an Administrator, you will select the EDIT option from the menu. Next, click the paper/pencil icon. This will take you to the Edit record for your page.

On this screen put your cursor in the Copy box, click on the Add-on drop down menu and select Newsletter2. An image with the Contensive logo will appear in the Copy Box. Click OK at the top of the page to save the newsletter to your webpage.

After you click OK, you will return to the webpage with the newsletter, where you will see the following:


From this screen you will see the admin links to manage the newsletter. The links allow you to add a new page (story), edit the issue, create an email version, add a new issue, edit the newsletter, and edit categories.

Add a new Story

To add a story you can click on the ADD A NEW STORY link. This will open a blank story record where you can name the story, type the overview of the story, include infographic thumbnail and full infographic, and type in the story copy in the FULL STORY. If you click on the BLOCKING tab, you can block the story to only the specific groups that you select. In the FEATURES tab, you can change the sort order of the story within the issue, change the issue the story appears in, and select a category for your story. In the RSS FEEDS tab, you can choose an RSS feed that you want the story to be included in. Click OK to save your new story. After you have saved your story, you can edit any of the information by the paper/pencil icon next to the story title for the story you want to edit.

Email Newsletter

To email the issue simply click on the CREATE EMAIL VERSION link on the newsletter page. This will create a group email that contains the newsletter landing page as the content for the email. In the group email record you simply add a subject line, enter the from address for the email, choose who the confirmation email will be sent to and the email template. Next click on the SEND TO GROUPS TAB and check the groups who you would like to receive the newsletter. Click SEND TEST to review the email and then once you are satisfied with the way it looks in the test email, you will click SEND to send the newsletter to the specified groups.

Add a new Issue

Click on the ADD A NEW ISSUE link. This will open a blank issue record where you can name the issue, enter the cover copy (which displays at the top of the screen when someone is viewing the main newsletter page). This field must be 40 characters to show up on the newsletter. (If your text is less than 40 characters, you can add spaces to the end of it.) Also enter the overview copy (which provides a description of the issue after the newsletter link in the archives).

If you want to display ads on the page, go to the AD BANNERS tab. Select the layout from the menu to determine the number of ads and the size of each. You will then upload the number of images specified and include a link for each image that will take the user to the URL when they click on the banner. Click OK to save changes.

Edit Newsletter

To edit the newsletter, click on the EDIT THIS NEWSLETTER link. This will open the record for your newsletter, where you can change the name of the newsletter, the newsletter template, the email template or the newsletter styles. Click OK to save changes.

Edit Categories

To add or edit categories, click on the EDIT CATEGORIES link. This will show a list of all newsletter categories. You can make changes to a category by clicking the paper/pencil icon next to the category to open the record, change the category name and then click OK to save the change. Click ADD when the category list is displayed to add a new category. Click OK when you are done to save the new record.

Change Which Newsletter is Displayed on the Page

If you want to change which newsletter is displayed on a page, login and click on ADVANCED EDIT. Click the WRENCH icon and in the NEWSLETTER field drop-down, choose the newsletter you want displayed on the current page. Click UPDATE to save changes.

Add Banners to a Newsletter

Before adding banners, you must first add banner layouts. To do this, login and click ADMIN, MANAGE ADD-ONS, NEWSLETTER 2, NEWSLETTER AD BANNER LAYOUTS. If you need to add a layout, click ADD. Name the banner, such as 144 px (W) x 216 px (H), 2 rows x 3 columns. Next enter the number of Rows and columns for the ad layout, as well as the space between columns in pixels.

To add banners to the issue, login and click ADMIN, MANAGE ADD-ONS, NEWSLETTER 2, NEWSLETTER ISSUES. Click on the Newsletter that you want to edit. In the AD BANNERS tab, select the ad layout you want to use. For example you may choose, 144 px (W) x 216 px (H), 2 rows x 3 columns. In this case you would have 6 banner ads in the issue. Therefore, you need to add an image and link for 6 different banner ads. Click OK to save changes.

Change the Masthead at the top of the Newsletter

Login and click ADMIN, MANAGE ADD-Ons, Newsletter2, Newsletters. Click the Edit tag next to the newsletter you want to edit. In the FEATURES tab, you can upload a new image in the MASTHEAD IMAGE field. The default template uses images 600 px wide and 246 px tall. Click OK to save changes.

Change the Footer at the bottom of the Newsletter

Login and click ADMIN, MANAGE ADD-Ons, Newsletter2, Newsletters. Click the Edit tag next to the newsletter you want to edit. In the FEATURES tab, you can upload a new image in the FOOTER IMAGE field. The default template uses images 600 px wide and 169 px tall. Click OK to save changes.

Developing a Newsletter Template

Located in Newsletter Templates

There is one layout used for three different screens. It is composed of three parts, any two of which are hidden on each screen.

  • Cover Screen (newsCover)
  • Story Screen (newsBody)
  • Archive Screen (newsArchive)

In addition, there are sections of the common template that the system updates:

  • newsIssueCaption
  • newsNav
  • newsNavCaption
  • newsNavList
  • newsNavCategoryItem
  • newsNavStoryItem

There are several parts in putting together the newsletter which contain specific classes that need to bin incorporated into the HTML they are as follows (with classes listed)

1. newsCover - the style that wraps the cover screen's content area

  • .newsCoverList - a wrapper that surrounds the list of brief overviews
  • .newsCoverListCaption = News Header within one repeating section of the newsCoverList
  • .newsCoverListOverView = News Body (overview) within one repeating section of the newsCoverList
  • .NewsCoverListReadmore = Link to the full Story within one repeating section of the newsCoverList
  • .newsCoverListReadMoreAnchor = the class in the anchor tag of the newsCoverListReadMore
  • .newsCoverListReadMoreCaption = the class in a span around the read more text, within the read more anchor tag
  • the actual href for the read more anchor has to be the question mark character (?)

2. NewsBody (Full Story)

       .newsBodyCaption = News Header
       .newsBodyStory   = News Body (Full Story)


Things to Test

  1. Add Newsletter add-on to a page
  2. Add a new story
  3. Edit a story
  4. Create email version of newsletter
  5. Add a new issue
  6. Edit a newsletter
  7. Edit categories
  8. Add banners to newsletter

Revision History