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Academic Effect Development notes moved to http://AcademicEffect.kmaCloud.net
; Applications : A group of features gathered into a single installable unit. Formally called Workspaces.
; Projects : A project is an group of tasks created in an application by and for a single user. It can be shared with other users.
; Roles : A group of rights that can be assigned to a user as a unit. For example the Administrator role might have rights to all editing features.
; Rights : An individual privilege assigned to roles. For example, the Administrator role might have the right to edit users.
; Project Owner : A right granted to the user who creates a project. The Project Owner can view and edit the project.
; Project Author : A right granted to a user that allows them to view and edit the project.
; Project Reviewer : A right granted to a user that allows them to view a project.
; Affirm : Breaks the standards out into projects and complete data entry for each standard, in preparation for the accrediting body to review.
; Align : (define this application)
; Document : Document enables users to store documents in a cloud-based document management system, which can then be associated to projects the user is working on and can also be shared with colleagues through the Academic Effect applications.
; Effect : Used to implement effective evaluation theory. Often. Academic and Performance assessment.
; Intent : Group can get together to formulate a strategic plan. Create a high level strategic plan.
; Reflect : Post Mortem analysis. Analyze past performance.
; Verify : Enter facility and show they are qualified to teach
; Structure : The settings for individuals and organizations.
; Effect Report :
; Goals : (define)
; Objectives : (define)
; Supported Initiaives : (define)
; Standards (Supported Initiative) : (define)
; General Education (Supported Initiative) : (define)
; Institutional Priorities (Supported Initiative) : (define)
; Strategic Initiatives (Supported Initiative) : (define)
; Measures : (define)
; Standards :
; Collections : a way to group standards
; Official Standards : a standard added and maintained within the system
; Public Standards : A local standard that was published for everyone.
; Local Standards : A standard added by an organization.
; User : An individual who has authentication access to the Academic Effect application framework.
; Basic User : This is typically a customer with access to applications associated to the user's Institution. Access to Structure Profile and Structure Templates.
; Verify Manager : This is typically a basic user granted special privileges in the Verify Application in Structure and Verify to mark the Verified checkbox (more detail).
; Verify Facilitator : This is typically a basic user granted special privileges in the Verify Application to add data for degrees, but cannot verify it.
; PC Admin : (Consider renaming Account Admin) This is typically the customer's administrator. They are a basic user with the following additional rights
* Review rights for all projects within the same organization
* Can view and modify account information in Structure
* Can generate an API access Key in Structure
* Access to the CIP code list in Structure
* Access to the Standard list in Structure
* Can modify profile fields of users within the organization, including fields to
** Change PC Admin rights
** Change Verify Manager rights
* Access and Modification of the Annual Special Report List in Structure
* Access to the Institutional Priorities List in Structure
* Access to the Strategic Plan List in Structure
* Access to the Degree List is Structure
* Update Analysis Questions
* Can do everything in all of the apps (except duplicate projects they do not own).  Can add users and give all roles.  Full access in structure, etc.
; Super User : This is typically Academic Effect support personnel. Legacy Rights - Can flit from account/subdomain to account/subdomain and see all.  The only thing they cannot see fully are documents. (Future Rights - A basic user of a support/test organization, full administration site access with edit access to all site content,  plus access to the Impersonation Tool which lets a user authenticate as other users temporarily to duplicate support issues.)
==Account Data Structure and Onboarding==
; Accounts (organizations) : The organization record is the primary repository for account information
==User Data Structure==
; Users : A user is a Contensive people record.
* A user's organization is determined by the organization selected in their people record.
* A user's applications are set in the user's organization.
; Organization (Institution) : is a Contensive Organization, found under Manage Users > Organizations.
* An organization's applications are set in the organization's workspaces tab. Users have to logout and log back in to see this change.
==Authentication and Security==
There are three methods of authentication: Native, LDAP (future), and CAS (future)
; Native Authentication : Requires a unique username and a password. To modify Native Authentication for a user, edit their people record and change the values of username and password. Note that username must be unique
; LDAP : (future)
; CAS : (future)
An application in Academic Effect is a group of common features installed as a unit to an organization. An installed application is run when a user in that organization clicks button in the header with the applications name. Applications are installed by editing the organization and checked the appropriate checkbox in the Workspaces tab. (formally called Workspaces)
Affirm enables organizations to develop self studies which are used to create accreditation reports. These self studies are based on collections of standards required for accreditation. <br />
====Getting Started====
To get started users click on the AFFIRM tab in the menu. Next the user will select a self study from the drop down at the top right of the page. This will open up a list of all Affirm self studies based on a specific standards collection.
====Creating and Viewing New Self Studies====
Users can also create new Affirm self studies by clicking the plus sign on the page. They then have the option of duplicating an existing self study or creating a new one based on a collection of standards not already used in an Affirm self study at their institution. To duplicate the self study, user will click on the DUPLICATE button, select the self study to duplicate and then type in the new Project Name and click SAVE. At this point the new self study will appear in the drop down at the top of the Affirm page. To create a new self study, users will click on the CREATE NEW button, select the standards collection to use, type in the project name and click SAVE. This collection will now appear in the drop down at the top of the Affirm page. <br />
Once users select a self study they can then view and edit the project for each standard by clicking on the VIEW button. <br />
====Project Fields Available to Edit====
; Status : The status of the project; choices include Nothing Entered, Draft, Final and In Review
; Set Compliance : Shows the level of compliance with the represented standard; choices include Not Indicated, Compliance, Does Not Meet, Exceeds, Meets, Non-Compliance, Not Implemented, Not Indicated, Partial Compliance, Partially Implemented, Widely Implemented.
; Narrative : Users can enter text to describe how they are working to meet the represented standard.
; Related Projects : Users can click the + sign to add projects related to this Affirm project. To add the project, click the check box next to any related project and click ADD SELECTED. The selected projects will then be listed under Related Projects and are accessible by clicking on the symbol next to the project name.
; Attachments : Users can upload any documents related to this Affirm project by selecting the folder and document and then clicking ATTACH TO PROJECT for any files already uploaded to Academic Effect. To Upload files from a drive, users will click the BROWSE button, select the file and select a folder for saving the document. The user then clicks START UPLOAD to complete the upload process. Next, select the document and click ATTACH TO PROJECT.
; Project Collaborators : If users want colleagues to have access to the project, they will click the INVITE COLLABORATORS button, select the user, specify whether they are an author or reviewer and click ADD SELECTED. The names of all collaborators will be displayed in the Project Collaborators section. If they want to remove collaborators, they will also click the INVITE COLLABORATORS button and then select REMOVE. They will see a list of all current collaborators. To remove one, select that one and click REMOVE SELECTED.
; Comments : Users can post comments by typing in the comments field and clicking POST.
Once all changes are made, the user will click SAVE to save the updated project. <br />
Effect enables organizations to evaluate and measure the performance of strategic initiatives and other plans, including academic assessments. <br />
====Getting Started====
To get started users click on the EFFECT tab in the menu. Next the user will see a list of all Effect Projects currently in progress that the user has access to. Once users select a project they can then view progress or click EDIT to make changes to the project report. <br />
====Creating and Viewing Effect Projects====
Users can also create new Effect projects by clicking the plus sign on the page. They then have the option of duplicating an existing project or creating a new one. To duplicate a project, the user will click on the DUPLICATE button, select the project to duplicate from the drop down menu, select the reporting period from a drop down menu and then type in the new Project Name. Then the user can enter all relevant information and click SAVE. At this point the new project will appear in the list of Effect projects. To create a new project, users will click on the CREATE NEW button, select the template from the drop down to use, choose the reporting period from the drop down, and type in the project name. Then the user can enter all relevant information and click SAVE. This project will now appear in the project list on the Effect page. <br />
====Project Fields Available to Edit====
:: '''NOTE: Available fields will vary based on the selected template; new templates can be created to accommodate unique requirements.'''
; Status : The status of the project; choices include Nothing Entered, Draft, Final and In Review
; Project Title : The title field provides a place for users to type in a unique name for the project.
; Reporting Period : Users can choose available reporting periods from a drop down menu.
; Mission/Purpose Statement : Enables users to specify the purpose of the program or plan being evaluated.
; Vision Statement :  Enables users to outline the vision for how to accomplish the mission.
; Goals : Details specific, measurable action items.
; Goals Supported Initiatives Alignment : Goals can be associated with Supported Initiatives, including General Education, Institutional Priorities, Standards and Strategic Plans.
; Goals Budget Allocation : Enables users to tie a goal to the institutional budget.
; Objectives : Users enter outcomes desired from the plan/program being evaluated.
; Objectives Budget Allocation : Enables users to tie an objective to the institutional budget.
; Objectives Supported Initiatives Alignment : Objectives can be associated with Supported Initiatives, including General Education, Institutional Priorities, Standards and Strategic Plans.
; Measures :  Measure specify how users will evaluate how well they are meeting a specific objective. They have the option to choose Methodology Type and Sources of Evidence. These drop downs included standard choices, but users are able to add new choices to the list.
; Qualitative Targets/Findings : Enable text description of how well the measures are being met.
; Quantitative Targets/Findings : Requires numeric target and finding result for a specific measure.
; Improvements Achieved : Enables users to specify a direct link between an objective and a documented improvement.
; Related Projects : Users can click the + sign to add projects related to this Effect project. To add the project, click the check box next to any related project and click ADD SELECTED. The selected projects will then be listed under Related Projects and are accessible by clicking on the symbol next to the project name.
; Attachments : Users can upload any documents related to this Effect project by selecting the folder and document and then clicking ATTACH TO PROJECT for any files already uploaded to Academic Effect. To Upload files from a drive, users will click the BROWSE button, select the file and select a folder for saving the document. The user then clicks START UPLOAD to complete the upload process. Next, select the document and click ATTACH TO PROJECT.
; Project Collaborators : If users want colleagues to have access to the project, they will click the INVITE COLLABORATORS button, select the user, specify whether they are an author or reviewer and click ADD SELECTED. The names of all collaborators will be displayed in the Project Collaborators section. If they want to remove collaborators, they will also click the INVITE COLLABORATORS button and then select REMOVE. They will see a list of all current collaborators. To remove one, select that one and click REMOVE SELECTED.
; Comments : Users can post comments by typing in the comments field and clicking POST.
Once all changes are made, the user will click SAVE to save the updated project. <br />
Intent enables organizations to develop and manage strategic plans.
====Getting Started====
To get started users click on the INTENT tab in the menu. Next the user will see a list of all Intent Projects currently in progress that the user has access to. Once users select a project they can then view progress or click EDIT to make changes to the project report.
====Creating and Viewing Intent Projects====
Users can also create new Intent projects by clicking the plus sign on the page. They then have the option of duplicating an existing project or creating a new one. To duplicate a project, the user will click on the DUPLICATE button, select the project to duplicate from the drop down menu, select the reporting period from a drop down menu and then type in the new Project Name. Then the user can enter all relevant information and click SAVE. At this point the new project will appear in the list of Intent projects. To create a new project, users will click on the CREATE NEW button, choose the reporting period from the drop down, and type in the project name. Then the user can enter all relevant information and click SAVE. This project will now appear in the project list on the Intent page.
====Project Fields Available to Edit====
; Status : The status of the project; choices include Nothing Entered, Draft, Final and In Review
; Project Title : The title field provides a place for users to type in a unique name for the project.
; Reporting Period : Users can choose available reporting periods from a drop down menu.
; Mission/Purpose Statement : Enables users to specify the purpose of the plan.
; Vision Statement :  Enables users to outline the vision for how to accomplish the mission.
; Section :  Enables users to add different sections of the plan to cover various topics.
; Topics :  In each section users have the option of entering topics in the areas of budget, environmental assessment, planning assumptions, SWOT Analysis or any other user defined topic.
When all data has been entered, the user will click SAVE to save the new plan. It will then be included in the list of Intent Projects on the main Intent page.
Retrospect enables organizations to analyze the effectiveness of programs and plans over time to help guide future planning initiatives.
====Getting Started====
To get started users click on the RETROSPECT tab in the menu. Next the user will see a list of all Retrospect Projects currently in progress that the user has access to. Once users select a project they can then view progress or click EDIT to make changes to the project report.
====Creating and Viewing Retrospect Projects====
Users can also create new Retrospect projects by clicking the plus sign on the page. They then have the option of duplicating an existing project or creating a new one. To duplicate a project, the user will click on the DUPLICATE button, select the project to duplicate from the drop down menu, select the reporting period from a drop down menu and then type in the new Project Name. Then the user can enter all relevant information and click SAVE. At this point the new project will appear in the list of Retrospect projects. To create a new project, users will click on the CREATE NEW button, choose the reporting period from the drop down, and type in the project name. Then the user can enter all relevant information and click SAVE. This project will now appear in the project list on the Retrospect page.
====Project Fields Available to Edit====
; Status : The status of the project; choices include Nothing Entered, Draft, Final and In Review
; Project Title : The title field provides a place for users to type in a unique name for the project.
; Reporting Period : Users can choose available reporting periods from a drop down menu.
; Mission/Purpose Statement : Enables users to specify the purpose of the program or plan.
; Vision Statement :  Enables users to outline how the vision evolved over time.
; Overview :  Enables users to provide a broad description of program or plan results.
; Section :  Enables users to add different sections of the plan to cover various topics.
; Topics :  In each section users have the option of entering topics in the areas of Reflective Prompt, SWOT Analysis or any other user defined topic.
When all data has been entered, the user will click SAVE to save the new plan. It will then be included in the list of Retrospect Projects on the main Retrospect page.
Verify enables organizations to track and manage employees. It provides the tools to track faculty credentials and to verify those credentials or to justify that they are qualified to teach the courses they are currently teaching.
====Getting Started====
To get started users click on the VERIFY tab in the menu. Next the user will select an employee from the list of profiles provided. This will open up an individual's credentials and qualifications.
====Creating and Viewing Profiles====
Users can also create new Verify profiles by clicking the plus sign on the page. They will then click thee plus sign on the Manage Users page. When the new user record opens, the fields First Name, Last name, User Name/ID and  Email Address are required to add a new user. Once the SAVE button is clicked, this employee will be listed on the VERIFY main page.
To view a specific profile, users will click on the VIEW button for that profile. If they need to change the profile, they will click the EDIT button.
====Profile Fields Available to Edit====
; Profile Information Fields : These fields include the name, user name, email, phone number, department, division, campus, role and password.
; Employee Type Fields : These fields include the employee ID, academic rank, employment level, a check for faculty, tenure status and date, contract length, employee type, salary, date of birth, gender, and race.
; Education/Degrees : Here users can click on the plus sign to add the degree earned, year earned and institution where the degree was earned. When this information is entered, a list of available degrees will appear and users will select one from this list. If the degree does not appear in this list, users will click MY DEGREE IS NOT LISTED. On this screen users can enter an institution, award level, year, city, state, country and CIP codes for the degree. They will then click SAVE to save the degree information.
; Alternate Qualifications : Here users can click the plus sign to add an alternate qualification to a degree. On this screen users enter the granting authority/institution, qualification title, year, city, state, country, description of the qualification, and CIP codes. Here users can also upload documents to add an official record of the qualification. They will then click SAVE to save the alternate qualification information to the user's profile.
; Profile Picture : Users can upload a picture to display as a thumbnail for their profile.
; Roles & Permissions : Roles available to select include Administrator, Verify Manager or Verify Facilitator.
When all information has been entered, users will click SAVE to update the profile record.
The dashboard is a default application that lists all the user's projects, and all the applications installed for the user's account.
Document enables users to store documents in a cloud-based document management system, which can then be associated to projects the user is working on and can also be shared with colleagues through the Academic Effect applications.
All users initially have 3 collections of documents:
; Institutional : Documents shared with all users within an organization
; My Collection : Documents created by the user
; Shared With Me : Documents shared with the user by colleagues within an organization
Users can add more collections by clicking the ADD COLLECTION button and can share these collections with other users by clicking the SHARE COLLECTION button, entering email addresses for people to share with, and then clicking SHARE.
Within each collection, there can be numerous folders. Initially users will have standard folders in the Institutional collection. To add folders to other collections users will click on the collection and then click on the ADD A FOLDER button, type in the folder name and click SAVE. The new folder will now be listed within the selected collection.
Available features for folders include:
*Open: Double click on the document or right click and select OPEN from the menu.
*View/Edit Details: Right click and choose VIEW/EDIT DETAILS from the menu; users can view folder details, change the folder name or destination, or share with other users.
*Share: Right click and choose SHARE from the menu to share the folder with colleagues; users will then enter the email addresses of people to share the folder with and click the SHARE button.
Within each folder or collection, there can be numerous documents. Initially users will have standard documents within the Institutional collection. To add documents to other collections, users will click on the collection and a folder (if they want the document to be in a specific folder). Next they will click on the ADD A DOCUMENT button. They can then click BROWSE to upload one document or BULK UPLOAD to upload several documents. Once the document has been uploaded, users can choose to enter detailed information about the document, including a name, summary, unofficial notes, source information, tags, a relevant CIP code and an annotated bibliography. After the user clicks SAVE, the document will appear in the collection and/or folder specified.
Available features for documents include:
*Open: Click once on the document or right click and select OPEN from the menu.
*View/Edit Details: Right click and choose VIEW/EDIT DETAILS from the menu; users can view document details or click the EDIT button to change them.
*Download: Right click and choose DOWNLOAD from the menu to save it to the user's drive.
*Share: Right click and choose SHARE from the menu to share the document with colleagues; users will then enter the email addresses of people to share the document with and click the SHARE button.
*Delete: Right click and choose DELETE from the menu; users will be given the chance to cancel this request or confirm that they want to proceed with the delete function.
*Duplicate: Right click and choose DUPLICATE from the menu; users will then name the new document and specify the collection and folder where they want to store it.
*Search: Enter text in the search bar and click on the magnifying glass for a list of documents with that keyword in the title.
===Data Structures===
; Documents : Documents are records in the Documents content, in the Performance Cloud Collection
; Folders : Folders are records in the Document Folders content, in the Performance Cloud Collection
; Institutional Documents ; (tbd)
; Owner : (tbd)
; Author : (tbd)
; Reviewer : (tbd)
===Document Sharing===
; Sharing Collections, Folders and Files : (tbd)
; Receiving Shared Collections, Folders and Files : (tbd)
Enables users to generate standard reports available to the organization.
====Supported Initiatives Report====
This report enables users to select from specific standards, general education areas, institutional priorities and strategic initiatives. Users also select specific time periods and projects to determine how well the institution is meeting each of the selected supported initiatives.
==Structure (settings)==
Structure enables users to customize certain settings in  Academic Effect.
====Getting Started====
To get started users click on the Structure tab in the menu. Next the user will select an option from the menu at the side from either the SETTINGS or CORE DATA area.
====My Profile====
Users will click MY PROFILE to update personal information, such as name, email and phone number, as well as employment information, and the profile picture.
====Account Information====
Administrators can update information about the institution, such as name, sub-domain, administrator contact information, applicable accreditation standards, the logo and related websites.
====Application Settings====
====Manage Users====
Administrators can add new users or edit information about current users.
Administrators can enter announcements for display to users and a login assistance message for users that are having difficulty with login.
====Password Policies====
Administrators can set password requirements for the institution.
====Reporting Periods====
Administrators can add or edit reporting periods available to users at the institution.
Users can add or edit templates available in specific applications.
====Reflective Prompts====
Administrators can add, edit or delete available courses at an institution.
====General Education====
Administrators can add, edit or delete available general education initiatives for an institution.
====Institutional Priorities====
Administrators can add, edit or delete available institutional priorities for an institution.
====Improvements Achieved====
Administrators can add improvements achieved for an institution.
====Organization Settings====
Administrators can add, edit or delete the departments and codes, divisions, campus locations and roles available for an institution.
====Sources of Evidence====
Administrators can add the type and description for Sources of Evidence available from the drop down for this field.
Administrators can view all standards collections, edit and delete some of them and add new collections.
====Strategic Initiatives====
Administrators can view, add, edit or delete strategic initiatives available for an institution.
==Administration Tasks, Tools and Procedures==
The following list are the tasks required to maintain the platform, and the recommended tools and procedures to fulfill those tasks.
===How to create an account===
* Use the Account Creation tool from the admin site to setup a new Account
** log in as a Super User
** Go to /admin > Manage Addons > Performance Cloud Account Creation > click on Account Creation Tool
** Fill out and submit this form
** (tbd) the Account's PC Admin will receive an email inviting them to create a password and finish onboarding through the Structure section
** (tdb) If Weave Support needs access to the Account, they should login using the Impersonation Tool for the account's PC Admin===How to use the user import tool===
===How to create a basic user===
* log in as a PC Admin for the organization with which the user is needed.
* go to Structure > Manage Users > Click the Add button at the bottom.
===How to create a PC Admin===
* Create a basic user for the correct organization.
* Upgrade the permissions of the user by enabling the appropriate rights
** Go to /admin
** Navigator > Manage Users > click on People
** search for the user
** click Edit to modify the user's record
** Check the appropriate permission (right) on the Permissions tab
===How to create a Super User===
* Create a basic user for the correct organization.
* Upgrade the permissions of the user by enabling the appropriate rights
** Go to /admin
** Navigator > Manage Users > click on People
** search for the user
** click Edit to modify the user's record
** Check the admin checkbox on the Permissions tab
===How to set Guid fields for new data===
When new data is uploaded, you must always set the guid fields. If it is not set in the upload, follow these steps.
* Go to /admin
* Navigator > Manage Addons > performance Cloud - system data > click on Set Guids for Content
* select the content you uploaded.
* Click OK
===How to upload a file of Standards===
* Upgrade the file using the upload tool
** Go to /admin
** Navigator > Manage Addons > performance Cloud > click on Standards
** Open the filter panel between the data and the navigator
** click on Import, follow directions
* Set GUID fields for Standards
* Edit one record in Standards, make a small change and save the change. This triggers a housekeeping routine that populates missing sortOrder fields.
==Developement Patterns==
html and css are developed in the PerformanceCloud GitHub project.
===Server Code===
Server Code is developed in the Weave gitHub Project
* html/css/js
** Start GitHub/PerformanceCloud and checkout the latest commit of the current sprint
** copy all files except /Archive to /inetpub/performacnecloud/files/processor
** run Manage Addons > Performance Cloud Template Processor > click on Template Processor
** proof each change to verify it deployed
** if all is OK, merge the sprint branch into master and create a new sprint branch.
* Server Code
** deployment of server code is with addon collections files.
** upload each collection file to the production site whose modification date is after the last production push
** proof each change to verify it deployed
** merge the github branch into the master
** create a new branch for the next sprint
==Database Data Structure==
====Academic Ranks====
Simple name/id list of academic rank selections
====Accreditation Chapter Shelf====
Reserved for future use.
====Accreditation Chapters====
Reserved for future use.
====Accreditation Shelf====
A simple name/id list, uses as an attribute of Accreditations.
====Additional Websites====
====Analysis Questions====
====Annual Special Report====
====Application Alerts====
====Argument Statuses====
====Assessment Approval Statuses====
====Assessment Comments====
====Assessment Document Rules====
====Assessment Goal Comments====
====Assessment Goals====
====Assessment Objective Comments====
====Assessment Objective General Education Rules====
====Assessment Objective Institutional Priority Rules====
====Assessment Objective Meta Data====
====Assessment Objective Meta Data Achievement Statuses====
====Assessment Objective Meta Data Approval Statuses====
====Assessment Objective Standard Rules====
====Assessment Objective Strategic Plan Rules====
====Assessment Objectives====
====Authentication Methods====
====Career Information====
====CIP Codes====
====Cited Document Index====
====Common Passwords====
====Compliance Levels====
====Contract Lengths====
====Course Rules====
====Credential Headers====
====Degree Institutions====
====Degree Rules====
====Degree Types====
====Document Access Rules====
====Document Bookmarks====
====Document Citation Coauthors====
====Document Citation Editors====
====Document Entity Rules====
====Document Folder Access Rules====
====Document Folder Rules====
====Document Folders====
one record per document folder on the site.
; Name : (tbd)
; DateAdded : (tbd)
; ccGuid : (tbd)
; ccMembersID : (tbd)
; pcDocumentFoldersID : (tbd)
; pcFolderPermissionsID : (tbd)
; userEditable : (tbd)
; blockUserEdits : (tbd)
; organizationsID : (tbd)
; approved : (tbd)
; requestedBy : (tbd)
; requestDate : (tbd)
; autoShareWithInstitution : (tbd)
; isDefault : (tbd)
; sharePoint : (tbd)
; blockShare : (tbd)
; blockPublicDelete : (tbd)
; blockOutsideCollection : (tbd)
; pcAdminIsOwner : (tbd)
; blockDocumentDuplication : (tbd)
; institutionalAccess : (tbd)
====Document Makes====
====Document Source Material Types====
====Document Sources====
====Document Statuses====
====Document Types====
====Documentation Types====
====Employee Types====
====Employment Statuses====
====Faculty Course Rules====
====Faculty Statuses====
====Facutly Degrees====
====Folder Permissions====
====General Education Elements====
====Institutional Priorities====
====Institutional Roles====
====Measure Source Evidence====
====Measure Source Evidence Rules====
====Measure Source Evidence Types====
====Narrative Statuses====
====Objective General Education Element Rules====
====Objective Institutional Priority Rules====
====Objective Standard Rules====
====Objective Strategic Plan Rules====
====Organization Campuses====
====Organization Document Source Material Types====
====Organization Document Sources====
====Organization Document Statuses====
====Organization Institutional Roles====
====Organization Research Types====
====Password Policies====
====Research Types====
====Role Rules====
====Standard Shelf====
====Standards Comments====
====Standards Contributors====
====Standards Document Rules====
====Strategic Plans====
====System Status====
====Tenure Statuses====
====User Tasks====
====Users Guide====
====Workspace Organization Rules====
==Remote Handler API==
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
(description tbd)
; Arguments
: requestKey
; Return
: (json data tbd)
==Public API (future)==

Latest revision as of 15:38, 25 February 2016

Academic Effect Development notes moved to http://AcademicEffect.kmaCloud.net