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These tutorials are for Contensive 4.1. For version 5.0 and beyond these will be slightly different
==Creating a Development Website==
==Creating a Development Website==
Line 355: Line 358:
#Connect to your webserver and setup an IIS binding for the domain and the IP address on your site.
#Connect to your webserver and setup an IIS binding for the domain and the IP address on your site.
#Log on to your website and create a new domain record.
#Log on to your website and create a new domain record.
:Go to Navigator >> Settings >> click on Domains.
:: a. Go to Navigator >> Settings >> click on Domains.
:If the new domain is not in the domains list, click Add to create a new record.
:: b. If the new domain is not in the domains list, click Add to create a new record.
:In the name field, enter the domain name. If you want to use "www." be sure to include that as well.
:: c. In the name field, enter the domain name. If you want to use "www." be sure to include that as well.
:Set the Type to Normal.
:: d. Set the Type to Normal.
:Set the Landing Page to the page you created.
:: e. Set the Landing Page to the page you created.
:Set the Default template to the template you created.
:: f. Set the Default template to the template you created.
:If this is a Landing Page site, leave the Page Not Found page empty and your landing page will be used. For other types of microsites you may want to create a Page Not Found page.
:: g. If this is a Landing Page site, leave the Page Not Found page empty and your landing page will be used. For other types of microsites you may want to create a Page Not Found page.
:Click OK to save and exit.
:: h. Click OK to save and exit.
If you want both the domain name, and the "www." version of the domain name, add a second domain record. If you make them both "Normal" type domains, the site will work for both. If you want the second domain to always forward to the first, set its type to "Forward to Replacement Domain".   
If you want both the domain name, and the "www." version of the domain name, add a second domain record. If you make them both "Normal" type domains, the site will work for both. If you want the second domain to always forward to the first, set its type to "Forward to Replacement Domain".   
Line 370: Line 373:
#If you are collecting analytics on the landing page and you choose to forward to another domain, you may lose information about the source of the link.
#If you are collecting analytics on the landing page and you choose to forward to another domain, you may lose information about the source of the link.
You should now be able to enter your domain name into a browser and see your new microsite.
You should now be able to enter your domain name into a browser and see your new microsite. <br />
==eCommerce API Workflow==
This tutorial shows you how to integrate an eCommerce API into your add-on. <br />
'''Steps to configure your Visual Studio project:''' <br />
#Start a Contensive add-on Collection project and an add-on collection that will call the API (Creating a new add-on collection)
#Checkout the GitHub Release project (GitHub.com/Contensive/Release)
#Add a project reference to accountBillingApi (accountBillingApi.dll from the release project)
#The api object is class apiClass, in namespace Contensive.Addons.aoAccountBilling
'''Install supporting add-on collection to your application''' <br />
From the add-on manager, add eCommerce - https://github.com/contensive/aoEcommerce
'''Steps to get the user's account or to create a new one:''' <br />
1. Get the accountId from the user's record <br />
dim cs as cpcsbaseClass = cp.csNew() <br />
dim accountId as integer=0 <br />
if cs.Open( "people", "id=" & cp.user.id ) then <br />
:: accountId = cs.getInteger( "accountId" ) <br />
end if <br />
call cs.close() <br />
2. Check if the user's account is valid, if not create a new account for them. <br />
Dim accountStatus As New apiClass.accountStatusStruct <br />
accountStatus = api.getAccountStatus(cp, returnUserError, accountId) <br />
' accountStatus.closed is a valid account that has been closed <br />
' accountStatus.currentBalance is the balance due <br />
' accountStatus.exists is true if the account exists <br />
' accountStatus.pastDueAmount is the past due balance <br />
' returnUserError if not blank, this is a user appropriate message <br />
if (not accountStatus.exists) or (accountStatus.closed) then <br />
: if cs.Open( "people", "id=" & cp.user.id ) then <br />
:: call cs.setField( "accountId", 0 ) <br />
: end if <br />
: call cs.close() <br />
: accountId = api.createAccount( cp.user.id, "New Account Name" ) <br />
end if <br />
'''Steps to create an order and add an item:''' <br />
1. Create an addon that returns the onlinePaymentFields in a form. Place it on a page with secure certificate (https:// is required) <br />
:: returnHtml = cp.html.form( api.getOnlinePaymentFields()) <br />
2. When this form is submitted, process it. <br />
: if not api.payOrdersByOnlinePaymentFields( cp, returnUserError,  <br />
: orderIdList, paymentComment1, paymentComment2 ) then <br />
:: ' there was a problem with the order, a user compatible message is in returnUserError <br />
: else <br />
:: ' the order processed correctly. <br />
end if <br />
'''How to process the order with the user's account''' <br />
if not api.chargeOrder( cp, returnUserError, orderId, paymentComment1, paymentComment2 ) then <br />
: ' there was a problem with the order, a user compatible message is in returnUserError <br />
else <br />
: ' the order processed correctly. <br />
end if <br />
'''How to process the order with a credit card or online check (ACH)''' <br />
dim method as onDemandMethodStruct <br />
method.creditCardNumber = ""        ' card number <br />
method.creditCardExpiration = ""    ' mm/dd/yyyy string of last day of the month the card expires <br />
method.creditSecurityCode = ""      ' CVV code on the back of the card <br />
if not api.payOrder( cp, returnUserError, orderId, paymentComment1, paymentComment2 ) then <br />
: ' there was a problem with the order, a user compatible message is in returnUserError <br />
else <br />
: ' the order processed correctly. <br />
end if <br />
==Building a Template for a Static HTML Design==
This tutorial shows you how to transplant the html, css and javascript from a static html design into a page template for use on a Contensive site. <br />
'''Install the html design on top of your development site''' <br />
For instance, if the new design has a page called newHome.html, copy it and all the included references to your development site. When correctly installed, you should be able to see the design through your browser at http://myDevSite/newHome.html <br />
'''Create a collection to hold the new template''' <br />
This collection will include all the stylesheets, javascript, page templates and addons needed for this page. <br />
'''Create add-ons for each jQuery extension on the html design''' <br />
#If your template requires javascript, we recommend you create that javascript in an add-on, then reference the add-on in the template. For example, if you have a design that you have named "myDesign", create an addon called "myDesign Includes". In the javascript tab of the addon, paste the template's javascript in either the Head or End-of-Body section. Then in the actual html for the template, add { % "myDesign Includes" % } (without the spaces between % and {}).
#If the design includes a jQuery extension, it should be isolated as a discrete addon and add a dependency for it to your template includes addon described above. If the addon already exists, just install it in your development environment and add the dependency.
#Be sure to add collection dependencies to any libraries that need to be included.
'''Combine all styles into a single stylesheet''' <br />
#From the source of the new design html, copy the necessary stylesheets one at a time, in order into a single shared stylesheet.
#Add the shared stylesheet to the new collection
'''Combine all custom javascript into a single script''' <br />
#From the source of the new design html, copy the necessary scripts into one javascript file. Exclude those isolated into separate add-ons.
#Add the new consolidated script into the "Includes" add-on created earlier.
'''Create a new Page Template record from the body-to-body html from the design''' <br />
#Copy and paste the html from the body tag into a new page template record.
#if there are any special requirements fo the body tag from the design, add them to the body tag in the template.
#Add the consolidated javascript into the javascript tab of the new template.
#Locate the region in the template where the editable content should go. Replace it with the addon
#Add the page template to the collection
'''Add External resources to the Collection''' <br />
The design often includes a folder or two of included resources that have not already been isolated into stylesheets and javascript scripts, like images. Add those images to the collection by entering each resources root-relative path to the Resources tab of the collection. For instance, if you have in image called Logo.png in the img folder, it is probably referenced in the html or stylesheet with "img/Logo.png". Add it to the Resources tab, in the wwwRoot resources as "/img/Logo.png". If you have many resources and would like to zip them first, you can just add a single reference to the zip file and they will by unzipped on deployment. <br />
'''Export the Collection''' <br />
#If you have not already, installed the Addon Collection Export Tool from the Addon Library
#Select your collection from the list and export it to a zip file.
#Be sure to test the deployment on a staging site, preferably on a different server before deploying to a production site.
#Once the new collection is installed, you can create a new test page, and set it's template to one of the ones created by the collection.
==Building an Add-on's Layout From a Static Html Design==
This tutorial shows you how to transplant the html, css and javascript from a static html design into an add-on, using Layouts and the styles, javascript of the add-on. <br />
'''Create a Collection to hold the add-on''' <br />
This collection will include all the stylesheets, js files, page templates and add-ons. <br />
'''Verify Add-ons or Create Add-ons for each jQuery Extension in the html design''' <br />
*If the design includes a jQuery extension, it should be isolated as a discrete add-on.
*If the design includes common libraries already in collections, just make dependencies to the existing add-ons.
*Be sure to add collection dependencies to any libraries that need to be included.
'''Create a Shared Stylesheet from the page''' <br />
#From the source of the new design html, copy the necessary stylesheets one at a time, in order into a single shared stylesheet.
#Add the shared stylesheet to the add-on, and the add-on's collection
'''Create a Javascript file for all the scripts needed on the new page''' <br />
#From the source of the new design html, copy the necessary scripts into one javascript file. Exclude those isolated into separate add-ons.
#Add the new consolidated script file directly to the add-on.
'''Create a new Layout record for the html from the design''' <br />
#Copy and paste the html from the design to a layout record.
#Add the layout to the collection
'''Add External resources to the Collection''' <br />
If the layout references images, etc. from the site that are not part of the original site or any other add-on, add them to the collection. <br />
==Incorporating a Lazy Loading Design Pattern with cp.cache==
'''What is Lazy Loading?''' <br />
Lazy loading is a programming technique where you deffer data loading until it is needed. When needed, it is loading into cache for use in the future. This tutorial also covers suggested ways to flush the cache. <br />
'''Caching the Composed Layout''' <br />
The simplest example is to cache the final results created from a database read. For example if you read all the people records in the database whose name include 'dw'. You may want to present these records as a list of names. <br />
#Read the value from cache. If the cache is not empty, exit and use the results.
#If the cache is empty, read the data from the database and construct your output. When done, save the result to the cache, exit and use the results.
When you save the result to cache, you may want to include a flush date/time and/or a list of content tables to flush the cache. For instance, in this example if you include "people", if anyone edits a record in people, the cache will clear. <br />
'''Caching the Intermediate Data''' <br />
Your results may include just data and not an html layout. This pattern works just as well caching the serialization of an ajax call.
==Setup a Selenium IDE Test Environment==
Use these instructions to setup a Selendium-IDE test environment.
# Install the Selenium-IDE Firefox extension
# all tests are saved in the /testcases folder under the appropriate github repo
# all tests should be numbered (test1.html, test2.html, etc) and documented briefly in the wiki documentation page for the project.
# Never run test cases on production sites. We should expect them to be destructive.
# It should be assumed that the root developer login in always available.
# (developers only) When creating a test site, add the following code to the /includes/Contensiveconfig42.php page for the site to eliminate the frameworks serialized form system.
// bypass form serial numbers for automated testing
$needle = 'ccFormSN" VALUE="';
$snPos = stripos ( $s, $needle, 0 );
while ($snPos !== false ) {
$snPos += 17;
$needle2 = '">';
$snEnd = stripos( $s, $needle2, $snPos );
$sn = substr($s, $snPos, ($snEnd - $snPos));
$s = str_replace( $sn, "0",  $s );
//$s .= '<br>ccFormSN sn=' . $sn;
$snPos = stripos ( $s, $needle, $snEnd);
return $s;
== To create a new AWS instance ==
* log into AWS
* Under Images click AMIs
* select Contensive41 --> right click on Contensive41 and launch a new instance
* select general purpose t2.micro --> click next:
* review launch and click next:
* add storage change the size of root to 100gb
* add new volume under device change to xvdf change size to 400gb
* click next
* name the key Use new sever Name
* click next
* In configure security setting select an existing security group
* select production server, windows
* review
* launch
== Assign an elastic Ip ==
* in ec2 select elastic ip
* under actions lallocate new address
* for a windows server select VPC in the EIP dropdown
* under actions associate the IP with the new instance created
==Repairing a Microsoft Access Db==
Use these steps to compact or repair an Access Db.
# Open the Upgrade folder.
# Shut down Contensive.
# Turn off auto start in application manager.
# Open the folder interpub/db and make a copy of the target database.
# Open odbc32 --> select the system dsn tab --> push ADD --> select the appropriate driver (ms-access driver)--> push finish -->
# select repair and find the newly copied db --> click ok --> close odbc32
# Go back into Interpub and copy the newly repaired db and rename it.
# now go back into odbc32 select the system DSN--> select add to create a new dsn --> select the ms access driver --> select the new db --> give it a new name (typically Incremented) --> click OK
# open app manager and rename the connection string
# restart contensive
==Unit Testing Contensive 4.1 Applications in Visual Studio 2015==
# Within the solution, create a unit test project -- right click the project, click add, click new project. Click test, select unit test project
# In the unit test project, add a reference to your target project
# In the test project, add a reference to Contensive processor assembly -- add reference, browse to "program files (x86)\kma\contensive" and select processor.dll
# In the test project, using NuGet, add a reference to "Contensive.library 4.1.2"
# Create a Contensive site (application) in the Contensive Application Manager that you will use to run the unit tests.
# Create test methods using the example installed with the unit test project. Use the following code as a pattern to interface with the application
Dim cp as new Contensive.Processor.CPClass
cp.Context.appName = "YourTestApp"
Assert.AreEqual( "YourTestApp", cp.site.name )
# Open the Test Explorer from the test menu drop-down

Latest revision as of 23:48, 16 January 2017

These tutorials are for Contensive 4.1. For version 5.0 and beyond these will be slightly different

Creating a Development Website

This tutorial takes you through the steps required to create a website on your development workstation. You can use websites like these to create and modify functionality before transferring to other environments, like QA, UAT or production.

You should already have your workstation configured with IIS and Contensive. If you wish to use PHP to control the Contensive framework, it should already be installed.

Creating a New Site

1. Start Contensive Application Manager.

Click the start button > all programs > Contensive > Application Manager

2. Click the Local node on the Application Manager.

On the left side of the Contensive Application Manager, you first see the Enterprise node at the top. Under it, you should at least see a grey Local node. Click it to connect to your Local Contensive server. This node represents the Contensive applications running on your local machine. If you already have applications running, a [plus] sign will appear that you can open to see each application.

3. Add an application to the local Contensive Server.

To add a application, right click the Local node and select "Add/Import Site"This will start a wizard that include up to eleven dialog boxes.

4. Select a Site Name.

Select a one word name for your application. It must be unique to this server and it can not contain any spaces or special characters. For this demonstration I will use MySampleSite as the site name.
In most cases when creating a new development site, this is the only screen you will have to change. All the following screens you can leave the default and just hit Continue.

5. Enter the type of Site.

You can hit OK and accept the default in most development site cases.
Enter which type of page you prefer using, php or asp. The site is created entirely within Contensive SMS, but scripting technologies are used create and control the Contensive Framework. In most installations, there is only one scripted host page created for each site. Having a host page written in a familiar technology gives you a very versatile, very rapid environment to handle emergencies.

6. Pick the IP Address.

You can hit OK and accept the default in most development site cases.
Set to for development sites. They are not typically viewed from other machines. If you will need to others to view the site from other machines, pick an IP address on your machine.

7. Pick a Domain name.

You can hit OK and accept the default in most development site cases.
For development sites, the domain can be simply the Site Name from the earlier step. Contensive will configure your computer's host file so on your local machine you can just type the site name and the browser will use the local site. For sites on public machines, enter the primary domain for the site.

8. Enter the HTML documents folder.

You can hit OK and accept the default in most development site cases.
This is the folder where the web server will look for the host page created in an earlier step.

9. Enter the content files folder.

You can hit OK and accept the default in most development site cases.
This is where Contensive will store a majority of your content.

10. Enter an ODBC connection string.

You can hit OK and accept the default in most development site cases.
A blank ODBC connection will cause the wizard to create a new site.

11. Enter the ODBC DSN file folder.

You can hit OK and accept the default in most development site cases.
This is a location to store the ODBC information about the new connection that will be created automatically.

12. Enter the database file folder.

You can hit OK and accept the default in most development site cases.
This is the folder where Contensive will store the new database file created for the site.

13. Enter an SMTP Email server.

You can hit OK and accept the default in most development site cases.
If you have an SMTP email server configured on your machine you can include it here. Contensive SMS has extensive email features. Be aware if you configure the SMTP server that if you add email features to your development site, it may send email to the users you configure.

14. Enter your email address as the Admin Email address. The site will begin building itself. That will take less than 5 minutes.

You can hit OK and accept the default in most development site cases.
You can skip this if you do not plan to enable email on your development workstation.

At this point, you should have a running website on your local IIS server that uses Contensive SMS to create pages.

Accessing Your Site And Updating Your Username and Password

1. Open a browser and go to http://MySampleSite/admin (where MySampleSite is the site name you used in Creating Your Website, step 4).

You should see the Login box.

2. The default username and password are:

username: root
password: contensive
When you log in, be sure to edit the record and change them as you need. This log in account will expire in 7 days.

3. To edit the default user account, open the Navigator on the left to Manage Users >> click on People.

You will see a list of the users configured for the site. If it is a new site, there will be only the root user. To edit the user account, click the edit icon in the left-most column of the row. You are now editing the user account. Click on the Permissions tab and update your username and password. You can also update the name field in the details tab if you wish.

Creating a New Add-On

This tutorial shows you how to create a new Contensive Add-on.

The purpose of an Add-on is to hold all the elements of a site feature (like the code, javascript, css, html, etc.) together in one element that can used on the site. It may be placed on a page, handle an ajax call, run as a process in the background, etc.

You should already have created a new developer site on your workstation.

Steps to create an add-on:

1. On the Admin Navigator on the left, Open Manage Add-ons >> Advanced >> click on Add-ons.

You will see a list of all the Add-ons installed on the site.

2. Click the Add button to create a new Add-on.

You will see a new add-on record. Set the name. I will use "Sample Add-on" and in the HTML Content box, enter "Hello World"
In the Placement tab, check "Place on Pages" and "Admin Navigator"

3. Click OK at the top of the page to save the Add-on and exit the edit page.

4. Execute the new add-on.

On the Admin navigator on the left Open Manage Add-ons >> Advanced >> Add-ons With No Collection >> click on Sample Add-on. You should see the words Hello World in bold on the left pane.

5. Add the add-on to a website page.

Go to the public home of your website and turn on Quick Edit. Place the cursor in the page editor where you want your add-on and select it from the Add-ons drop down. A green icon will appear when you place the add-on in the copy. Click OK to save and close the editor. Your add-on will run here and show "Hello World" where you placed the icon.

Creating a New Add-On Collection

This tutorial shows you how to create a new Add-on Collection. The Collection we will create here will include one add-on. The purpose of an Add-on Collection is to gather all the elements of an application feature into one single location that can be exported and installed on other sites. You should already have created a new add-on.

Steps to create an add-on collection:

1. On the Admin Navigator on the left, open: Manage Add-ons >> Advanced >> click on Add-on Collections.

You will see a list of all the Add-on Collections installed on the site.

2. Click the Add button to create a new Add-on Collection. You will see a new add-on collection record. Set the name. I will use "Sample Collection". Click OK at the top of the page to save the Add-on Collection and exit the edit page.

Steps to add an add-on to the add-on collection:

1. On the Admin navigator on the left, open: Manage Add-ons >> Advanced >> click on Add-ons.

2. Edit the add-on you want to include in the collection. In this case I will edit the add-on I created in the earlier tutorial, names "Sample Add-on"

3. In the field marked "Collection", select the add-on collection you just created. In this case I will select "Sample Collection"

4. Click OK to save and exit the editor.

The add-on is now in the Add-on Collection. You can test this by opening the Admin Navigator on the left: Manage Add-ons >> Sample Collection >> click on Sample Addon

Exporting and Installing an add-on Collection

This tutorial shows you how to export a Collection to a collection file, then install that collection to a different site. You should already have created a new developer site on your workstation and created an add-on collection.

Steps to export an add-on collection:

1. Install the Collection Exporter Tool.

Go to the admin site and open the navigator Tools, open the Add-on Manager, check the install checkbox next to the Collection Exporter. Click OK to install the tool. When it installs, you can find it under Tools in the Navigator.

2. Open the Collection Exporter and select your new collection. Click Export Collection. In a few seconds you get a link to download the collection file.

3. Right click the link and download the file to your local drive. This file is the collection zip file. It contains all the code and settings for the add-ons and the collection you created.

4. If your collection uses a dotnet assembly you have created on your workstation, the assembly DLL file needs to be added to the collection zip file manually.

The latest copy of the assembly can be found in the \Addons folder of your Contensive installation, at \program files (x86)\kma\Contensive by default. Copy the file(s) and paste it into the collection zip file.

Steps to install a collection file on a new site

1. Create a new development site on your workstation.

2. On the new site, run the Add-on Manager. The add-on manager is on the Navigator directly under Manage Add-ons.

3. Open the tab labeled "Add Manually", select your new add-on collection zip file and click OK. In a few seconds it will come with basic instructions, and your collection will be installed on the navigator.

Integrating a Visual Studio Assembly into an Add-on

This tutorial demonstrates how to integrate a Visual Studio windows library assembly into a Contensive Add-on. The Add-on Collection used in this tutorial is the one created in the earlier tutorial.

Steps to download and Install the Contensive Add-on Visual Studio Project and Item Template:

1. Get the Visual Studio Template Project from GitHub or Download a zip file.

2. Open the appropriate project, Visual Basic or C sharp.

3. Create a Project Template.

Click File > Export Template. Select Project Template and click Next. On the template options page, change the Template Name to "Contensive Add-on Collection" and click Finish. Use this new template when starting a new add-on collection project.

4. Create an Item Template.

Click File > Export Template. Select Item Template and click Next. Select the addonClass and click next. Do not add any item references and click next. Click Finish to create an item template. Use this template when adding a new add-on class to a project.

Steps to create a new Visual Studio Project that you can call from a Contensive Add-on:

1. Open Visual Studio and create a new project. In the New Project dialog, select the Contensive Add-on Collection template. This is the template you created in the first section of this tutorial. Set the project and solution names and select the location to save your project. Click OK.

2. When the project is finished building, open the project properties and configure as follows:

In the Application tab, set the assembly name similar to the project's name. In this example I will use SampleCollection. For visual basic, set the Root Namespace to empty. For c-sharp, you can ignore the default namespace.
Set the Build Events. For c-sharp they are in the Build Events tab. For visual basic, click the Build Events button in the Compile tab. There are two copy commands in the Post Build section. You only need the one that applies to your machine. If you have a 64-bit machine, delete the line with "Program Files". If you have a 32-bit machine, delete the one with "Program Files (x86)". If you leave them both, it still works, you will just see a copy error for one of them after each build.
Under references, add the Contensive API object, cpBase.dll found typically found in Project Files (x86)\kma\Contensive

3. The class created with the project, named addonClass by default will contain your add-on executable code. Configure the class as follows.

Open the addonClass and set the namespace to represent your collection. In this case I will use SampleCollection.
Change the public class name to represent the addon functionality. In this case I will use helloWorldClass.
The only method in the class is Execute(). It simply returns the string "Visual Studio Contensive Addon - OK Response"

4. Build the project.

Steps to call your Visual Studio assembly from a Contensive Add-on:

1. Go to your Contensive development site and open the admin page (/admin). If the sample collection from the earlier tutorial is not in your site, go to the earlier tutorial and create it.

2. Edit the add-on in the collection. Click the DLL Tab and enter the Dot Net Class Full Name as collectionName.className. In this case I entered SampleCollection.helloWorldClass. Save.

3. Run the add-on from the Navigator on the left by opening Navigator >> Manage Addons >> Sample Collection >> click on Sample Addon.

4. When the add-on runs, the screen includes the returned message from your Visual Studio class, "Visual Studio Contensive Addon - OK Response"

Single-Step Debugging a Visual Studio Assembly

This tutorial shows you how to debug a dot net assembly used as an add-on in a Contensive site. You should already have completed the tutorial Integrating a Visual Studio Assembly into an Add-on Collection. This tutorial starts where this previous tutorial left off.

Steps to set a break point to single-step through your code:

1. Open your development website to the Admin site Admin Navigator >> Manage Add-ons >> Sample Collection >> Click on Sample Addon.

Your sample addon runs and displays the text returned from the Visual Studio Assembly. The default string was "Visual Studio Contensive Addon - OK Response"

2. Open the Visual Studio solution for this add-on.

3. Set a breakpoint in the code (put the cursor on the line and hit F9). I set it on the returnHtml line.

Steps to attach the Visual Studio Debugger to the running process and break on the break-point:

1. Open a command prompt "As Administrator" and run IISReset.

2. Build the project.

If you get an error copying in the post-build step of the build, make sure you have not hit site since the last IISReset. You may need to reset again.

3. In your browser, hit a page on your website.

4. Go to Visual Studio and attach to the new IIS Process you just created by hitting a page.

In Visual Studio, click the Tools menu. Click the Attach to Process (Ctrl-Alt-P). If your development site runs on PHP, the process(es) will be php-cgi.exe. Be sure to attach to all processes you find.

5. Go back to your site and hit the page that includes your addon. The Visual Studio break point hits and you can single-step through your assembly code.

If you followed these steps and the breakpoint does not hit:

1. Try again.

2. In the Attach to process dialog, verify a new process has not started. If so, select it as well and hit the page again.

3. In the Attach to Process dialog, under Attach To:, open the Select Code Type dialog and try both Automatic (the default), and "Managed (v2.0, v1.1, v1.0)"

Creating a Manager Add-on

A manager environment is a group of add-ons that work together to create a single place where a user goes to manage one type of work. For instance, the Invoice Manager gathers all the features needed to handle system accounting.

  1. Create a development site on your local development machine (earlier tutorial).
  2. Install the Developer Add-on Samples collection from the Contensive Addon Manager. This installs a samples collection with a few sample addons. One of the sample addons is the Manager Sample.
  3. Open the Add-on Samples collection and transfer dependencies to your collection.
  4. Open the manager sample add-on and clear the guid in the control tab. This will prevent future installations of the samples collection from overwriting your work.
  5. Now you can use the addon manager to uninstall the addon samples collection.
  6. Get the "Add-on Samples" code from GitHub, Contensive/Addon Samples. This gives you access to all the source code for the Visual Studio project. When you compile this project, it should match the Manager Sample.
  7. Go to the Visual Studio and change the namespace to represent your project.
  8. Go to your development and edit the Manager Sample addon, changing the DotNet name space in the DLL tab to match the changes you made in the project.
  9. Recompile and the pr

Theme Manager Quick Import Tutorial

This tutorial shows you how to use the Quick Import tool in the Theme Importer. The purpose of the Theme Importer Quick Import to to scrape a template from an existing website and setup a Template record under Manage Design that can be used on the current site.

Steps to capture a website page into a site template:

  1. Install the Theme Manager from the Addon Manager.
  2. Go to Navigator >> Manage Addons >> click on Theme Manager.
  3. Click on Quick Import at the top of the the page.
  4. In Template Name, enter "TestTheme". This name has to be unique, so if this template already exists either delete in the templates, or modify this name to make is unique.
  5. In Source URL, enter http://www.contensive.com.
  6. For Import, select Save To File
  7. Click [Begin Import]
  8. When complete, there will be a few errors relating to resources that could not be copied to the site because they are reserved. That is OK.
  9. Go to Navigator >> Manage Design >> click on templates.
  10. Edit the new record named TestTheme.
  11. It contains an import statement with the filename that was created during the import, "Template_TestTheme"
  12. To see the file, use the Website File Manager (Navigator >> Tools >> click on Website File Manager) and edit the new template file. All the templates resources will be that as well.

Steps to use the new TestTheme for a page

  1. Go the the public site for your website and turn on Edit.
  2. Navigate to a page you want to convert to the new template, or add a child page.
  3. Edit the new page.
  4. Go to the Features tab, and select Test Theme in the Template selector.
  5. Hit OK to save the page and when you return to the public site, it will use the new template.

Creating a Microsite/Landing Page

This tutorial shows you how to create a Microsite or Landing Page on your current site. The purpose of a microsite is to create a new site with limited functionality. There are many uses, including sites for individual products, adverting messages, and inbound marketing nurturing. Microsites can be created as a stand-alone site or as part of your existing site. This tutorial shows you how to create one as part of your site.

Steps to create a template for the microsite

  1. Go to Navigator >> Manage Designs >> click on Templates.
  2. Click Add to create a new template.
  3. Give it a name.
  4. Using the edit in either html or wysiwyg mode, paste your template. You must include the "Content Box" addon to show where the content should be placed.
  5. If needed, add optional javascript and styles in their respective tabs.
  6. Leave the domain name section blank for now.
  7. Click OK to save and exit.

Steps to create a landing page for your microsite

  1. Go to Navigator >> Manage Content >> click on pages.
  2. Click Add to create a new page.
  3. Give it a name.
  4. Enter the copy for the landing page.
  5. On the Features tab, select the template you created earlier.
  6. Click OK to save and exit.

Steps to create a home section for the microsite

A site is a collection of sections that each have one or more pages. In addition to helping organize the site, sections carry some of the site permissions.

A. To disable the section permissions so you do not need a section:

  1. Go to Navigator >> Settings >> Advanced >> click on Site Properties.
  2. Search for the property with the name "ALLOW PAGE WITHOUT SECTION DISPLAY".
  3. Set this to true.
  4. Click OK to save and exit.

B. To create a home section:

  1. Go to Navigator >> Manage Content >> click on Sections.
  2. Click Add to create a new section.
  3. Give it a name.
  4. On the Features tab, select the landing page and default template
  5. Click OK to save and exit.

Steps to add a domain name to the site

  1. Determine the site's IP address. If you do not know if already, you can ping your current domain name. Ping will give you the IP.
  2. Setup your DNS to point the new name to the site's IP address. If the domain is in use, you can do this last.
  3. Connect to your webserver and setup an IIS binding for the domain and the IP address on your site.
  4. Log on to your website and create a new domain record.
a. Go to Navigator >> Settings >> click on Domains.
b. If the new domain is not in the domains list, click Add to create a new record.
c. In the name field, enter the domain name. If you want to use "www." be sure to include that as well.
d. Set the Type to Normal.
e. Set the Landing Page to the page you created.
f. Set the Default template to the template you created.
g. If this is a Landing Page site, leave the Page Not Found page empty and your landing page will be used. For other types of microsites you may want to create a Page Not Found page.
h. Click OK to save and exit.

If you want both the domain name, and the "www." version of the domain name, add a second domain record. If you make them both "Normal" type domains, the site will work for both. If you want the second domain to always forward to the first, set its type to "Forward to Replacement Domain".


  1. Google and other search engines will penalize you if they find the same content on multiple sites (your name, and your domain plus www).
  2. If you are collecting analytics on the landing page and you choose to forward to another domain, you may lose information about the source of the link.

You should now be able to enter your domain name into a browser and see your new microsite.

eCommerce API Workflow

This tutorial shows you how to integrate an eCommerce API into your add-on.

Steps to configure your Visual Studio project:

  1. Start a Contensive add-on Collection project and an add-on collection that will call the API (Creating a new add-on collection)
  2. Checkout the GitHub Release project (GitHub.com/Contensive/Release)
  3. Add a project reference to accountBillingApi (accountBillingApi.dll from the release project)
  4. The api object is class apiClass, in namespace Contensive.Addons.aoAccountBilling

Install supporting add-on collection to your application

From the add-on manager, add eCommerce - https://github.com/contensive/aoEcommerce

Steps to get the user's account or to create a new one:

1. Get the accountId from the user's record

dim cs as cpcsbaseClass = cp.csNew()
dim accountId as integer=0
if cs.Open( "people", "id=" & cp.user.id ) then

accountId = cs.getInteger( "accountId" )

end if
call cs.close()

2. Check if the user's account is valid, if not create a new account for them.

Dim accountStatus As New apiClass.accountStatusStruct
accountStatus = api.getAccountStatus(cp, returnUserError, accountId)
' accountStatus.closed is a valid account that has been closed
' accountStatus.currentBalance is the balance due
' accountStatus.exists is true if the account exists
' accountStatus.pastDueAmount is the past due balance
' returnUserError if not blank, this is a user appropriate message
if (not accountStatus.exists) or (accountStatus.closed) then

if cs.Open( "people", "id=" & cp.user.id ) then
call cs.setField( "accountId", 0 )
end if
call cs.close()
accountId = api.createAccount( cp.user.id, "New Account Name" )

end if

Steps to create an order and add an item:

1. Create an addon that returns the onlinePaymentFields in a form. Place it on a page with secure certificate (https:// is required)

returnHtml = cp.html.form( api.getOnlinePaymentFields())

2. When this form is submitted, process it.

if not api.payOrdersByOnlinePaymentFields( cp, returnUserError,
orderIdList, paymentComment1, paymentComment2 ) then
' there was a problem with the order, a user compatible message is in returnUserError
' the order processed correctly.

end if

How to process the order with the user's account

if not api.chargeOrder( cp, returnUserError, orderId, paymentComment1, paymentComment2 ) then

' there was a problem with the order, a user compatible message is in returnUserError


' the order processed correctly.

end if

How to process the order with a credit card or online check (ACH)

dim method as onDemandMethodStruct
method.creditCardNumber = "" ' card number
method.creditCardExpiration = "" ' mm/dd/yyyy string of last day of the month the card expires
method.creditSecurityCode = "" ' CVV code on the back of the card
if not api.payOrder( cp, returnUserError, orderId, paymentComment1, paymentComment2 ) then

' there was a problem with the order, a user compatible message is in returnUserError


' the order processed correctly.

end if

Building a Template for a Static HTML Design

This tutorial shows you how to transplant the html, css and javascript from a static html design into a page template for use on a Contensive site.

Install the html design on top of your development site

For instance, if the new design has a page called newHome.html, copy it and all the included references to your development site. When correctly installed, you should be able to see the design through your browser at http://myDevSite/newHome.html

Create a collection to hold the new template

This collection will include all the stylesheets, javascript, page templates and addons needed for this page.

Create add-ons for each jQuery extension on the html design

  1. If your template requires javascript, we recommend you create that javascript in an add-on, then reference the add-on in the template. For example, if you have a design that you have named "myDesign", create an addon called "myDesign Includes". In the javascript tab of the addon, paste the template's javascript in either the Head or End-of-Body section. Then in the actual html for the template, add { % "myDesign Includes" % } (without the spaces between % and {}).
  2. If the design includes a jQuery extension, it should be isolated as a discrete addon and add a dependency for it to your template includes addon described above. If the addon already exists, just install it in your development environment and add the dependency.
  3. Be sure to add collection dependencies to any libraries that need to be included.

Combine all styles into a single stylesheet

  1. From the source of the new design html, copy the necessary stylesheets one at a time, in order into a single shared stylesheet.
  2. Add the shared stylesheet to the new collection

Combine all custom javascript into a single script

  1. From the source of the new design html, copy the necessary scripts into one javascript file. Exclude those isolated into separate add-ons.
  2. Add the new consolidated script into the "Includes" add-on created earlier.

Create a new Page Template record from the body-to-body html from the design

  1. Copy and paste the html from the body tag into a new page template record.
  2. if there are any special requirements fo the body tag from the design, add them to the body tag in the template.
  3. Add the consolidated javascript into the javascript tab of the new template.
  4. Locate the region in the template where the editable content should go. Replace it with the addon
  5. Add the page template to the collection

Add External resources to the Collection

The design often includes a folder or two of included resources that have not already been isolated into stylesheets and javascript scripts, like images. Add those images to the collection by entering each resources root-relative path to the Resources tab of the collection. For instance, if you have in image called Logo.png in the img folder, it is probably referenced in the html or stylesheet with "img/Logo.png". Add it to the Resources tab, in the wwwRoot resources as "/img/Logo.png". If you have many resources and would like to zip them first, you can just add a single reference to the zip file and they will by unzipped on deployment.

Export the Collection

  1. If you have not already, installed the Addon Collection Export Tool from the Addon Library
  2. Select your collection from the list and export it to a zip file.
  3. Be sure to test the deployment on a staging site, preferably on a different server before deploying to a production site.
  4. Once the new collection is installed, you can create a new test page, and set it's template to one of the ones created by the collection.

Building an Add-on's Layout From a Static Html Design

This tutorial shows you how to transplant the html, css and javascript from a static html design into an add-on, using Layouts and the styles, javascript of the add-on.

Create a Collection to hold the add-on

This collection will include all the stylesheets, js files, page templates and add-ons.

Verify Add-ons or Create Add-ons for each jQuery Extension in the html design

  • If the design includes a jQuery extension, it should be isolated as a discrete add-on.
  • If the design includes common libraries already in collections, just make dependencies to the existing add-ons.
  • Be sure to add collection dependencies to any libraries that need to be included.

Create a Shared Stylesheet from the page

  1. From the source of the new design html, copy the necessary stylesheets one at a time, in order into a single shared stylesheet.
  2. Add the shared stylesheet to the add-on, and the add-on's collection

Create a Javascript file for all the scripts needed on the new page

  1. From the source of the new design html, copy the necessary scripts into one javascript file. Exclude those isolated into separate add-ons.
  2. Add the new consolidated script file directly to the add-on.

Create a new Layout record for the html from the design

  1. Copy and paste the html from the design to a layout record.
  2. Add the layout to the collection

Add External resources to the Collection

If the layout references images, etc. from the site that are not part of the original site or any other add-on, add them to the collection.

Incorporating a Lazy Loading Design Pattern with cp.cache

What is Lazy Loading?

Lazy loading is a programming technique where you deffer data loading until it is needed. When needed, it is loading into cache for use in the future. This tutorial also covers suggested ways to flush the cache.

Caching the Composed Layout

The simplest example is to cache the final results created from a database read. For example if you read all the people records in the database whose name include 'dw'. You may want to present these records as a list of names.

  1. Read the value from cache. If the cache is not empty, exit and use the results.
  2. If the cache is empty, read the data from the database and construct your output. When done, save the result to the cache, exit and use the results.

When you save the result to cache, you may want to include a flush date/time and/or a list of content tables to flush the cache. For instance, in this example if you include "people", if anyone edits a record in people, the cache will clear.

Caching the Intermediate Data

Your results may include just data and not an html layout. This pattern works just as well caching the serialization of an ajax call.

Setup a Selenium IDE Test Environment

Use these instructions to setup a Selendium-IDE test environment.

  1. Install the Selenium-IDE Firefox extension
  2. all tests are saved in the /testcases folder under the appropriate github repo
  3. all tests should be numbered (test1.html, test2.html, etc) and documented briefly in the wiki documentation page for the project.
  4. Never run test cases on production sites. We should expect them to be destructive.
  5. It should be assumed that the root developer login in always available.
  6. (developers only) When creating a test site, add the following code to the /includes/Contensiveconfig42.php page for the site to eliminate the frameworks serialized form system.
	// bypass form serial numbers for automated testing 
	$needle = 'ccFormSN" VALUE="';
	$snPos = stripos ( $s, $needle, 0 );
	while ($snPos !== false ) {
		$snPos += 17;
		$needle2 = '">';
		$snEnd = stripos( $s, $needle2, $snPos );
		$sn = substr($s, $snPos, ($snEnd - $snPos));
		$s = str_replace( $sn, "0",  $s );
		//$s .= '<br>ccFormSN sn=' . $sn;
		$snPos = stripos ( $s, $needle, $snEnd);
	return $s;

To create a new AWS instance

  • log into AWS
  • Under Images click AMIs
  • select Contensive41 --> right click on Contensive41 and launch a new instance
  • select general purpose t2.micro --> click next:
  • review launch and click next:
  • add storage change the size of root to 100gb
  • add new volume under device change to xvdf change size to 400gb
  • click next
  • name the key Use new sever Name
  • click next
  • In configure security setting select an existing security group
  • select production server, windows
  • review
  • launch

Assign an elastic Ip

  • in ec2 select elastic ip
  • under actions lallocate new address
  • for a windows server select VPC in the EIP dropdown
  • under actions associate the IP with the new instance created

Repairing a Microsoft Access Db

Use these steps to compact or repair an Access Db.

  1. Open the Upgrade folder.
  2. Shut down Contensive.
  3. Turn off auto start in application manager.
  4. Open the folder interpub/db and make a copy of the target database.
  5. Open odbc32 --> select the system dsn tab --> push ADD --> select the appropriate driver (ms-access driver)--> push finish -->
  6. select repair and find the newly copied db --> click ok --> close odbc32
  7. Go back into Interpub and copy the newly repaired db and rename it.
  8. now go back into odbc32 select the system DSN--> select add to create a new dsn --> select the ms access driver --> select the new db --> give it a new name (typically Incremented) --> click OK
  9. open app manager and rename the connection string
  10. restart contensive

Unit Testing Contensive 4.1 Applications in Visual Studio 2015

  1. Within the solution, create a unit test project -- right click the project, click add, click new project. Click test, select unit test project
  2. In the unit test project, add a reference to your target project
  3. In the test project, add a reference to Contensive processor assembly -- add reference, browse to "program files (x86)\kma\contensive" and select processor.dll
  4. In the test project, using NuGet, add a reference to "Contensive.library 4.1.2"
  5. Create a Contensive site (application) in the Contensive Application Manager that you will use to run the unit tests.
  6. Create test methods using the example installed with the unit test project. Use the following code as a pattern to interface with the application
Dim cp as new Contensive.Processor.CPClass
cp.Context.appName = "YourTestApp"
Assert.AreEqual( "YourTestApp", cp.site.name )
  1. Open the Test Explorer from the test menu drop-down