Adding/Editing FPI In The News

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Login and go to ADMIN HOME. Click on MANAGE ADD-ONS, then FPI and finally FPI IN THE NEWS. On the right side of your screen you will see a list of all FPI News articles currently loaded to your site. To add a new article, you will click ADD at the top of the screen or to edit an article click on the paper/pencil icon to open the record.

From here you will name your article, type in the release date, type in the Overview to be shown as a summary, and the Copy to be shown when the story is selected. Click OK to save changes.

To eliminate a tab for a specific year on the FPI In The News page, simply edit all records with a release date in that year and make them inactive by unchecking the box in the Active field. Click OK to save changes. When you go back to the FPI In The News page, refresh the browser to see the change.